Whose House?

The lighting project went well yesterday. New ceiling cans in the kitchen. Flourescent bulbs, new flat switches. I'm a little sore today from kneeling on the rafters. Jamie built a model Camaro, and Michaela painted a wooden truck. Projects galore.

More today. Jamie & Kayla & I carved Jack-O-Lanterns from Mom & Dad's plentiful crop of orange gourds. Shelly turned Jack's embryos into snack food, and his flesh into dessert. She also found time to whip up Blue-Ribbon Chicken.

Nice pumpkins. Love the work the kids did.
Was this the logging road off Nose Lake Rd. that heads over to the Woodboro Springs Rd?
That was a wonderful thing Shelly did for you guys when you got home, a warm fire, a fine meal, not bad I'd say.
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