We had a good quick trip to Platteville. We left yesterday morning. I got to play with my gadgets. I had downloaded a couple of PRI shows to our PDA. I sent that to the truck's stereo system to listen to on the drive. I also had downloaded my first geocaching "route" data to the PDA and GPS unit. I told the software where I would start and finish, and the route I would take. It gave me all the info on all the caches within 3 miles of that route. We stopped for a few in Mosinee. Got a couple in Portage after lunch at McDonalds (with a big climbing room for the kids.) I also used my phone for: talking to Dave, text-messaging him, using a live-internet google map, and taking pictures. Boys and their toys.
We arrived in PV around 4 and met the Gibsons and Majeri at the Country Inn Suites. Nice place. Also arriving for a fun evening: the Snyders and too many Malones to count. The kids had a great time with all the cousins in the pool. And the adults had a good time at Uno's.

We went to Arthur Haus for brunch after Mass in honor of Austin and Margaret Baxter's 90th birthdays. They had a computer slide-show presentation and Steve Malone had an announcement. Dennis Cooley, UWP Foundation director, and John Baxter's godson through the RCIA, was so inspired by John that he wishes to create a John A. Baxter Memorial Scholarship at UWP.
Mary's staying with us for a few weeks. We had a nice drive home, including finding a few more caches with the Gibsons. 

Great weekend.
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