Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Beerfest was great.
They had over 600 festers this year.
We had 11 festers in our group. We had 5 camping units in our group. And we had festers in our group from Green Bay, Milwaukee, and Illinois.


I kept better notes in my fest log (last year I gave up after 4 entries). Dave had 48 entries this year. This was his first year, he had lots of fun.

I seem to like the IPA's (India Pale Ale, it has a strong hopsy flavor).

We hiked a couple of miles to a geocache on Saturday morning. We took a few Illinoisans with us.
We had a community meal arrangement amongst our group, so camping was smooth.

Sunday I was exhausted, but that afternoon, I got the camper cleaned out and reset for this coming weekend in Hazel Green.


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