Sunday, October 18, 2009

Fall guys

Jamie played his last game of the season on Saturday, they fell to 3 and 3. A very good team and a good head coach for this age group - all three of the coaches fit well with this team. Coach Kris Healy gave a good end of season speech on the sideline after the game to the boys. He told them how proud he was of them as players and as people. He congratulated them on their effort, skillful play, teamwork, their hard work and constant improvement, and their sportsmanship. I think that message might just stick with those boys for awhile. I liked his, "Knock 'em down. Help 'em up. Then knock 'em down again."

Jamie and Dave and I looked for a couple of geocaches in the afternoon.

Today Kayla came over too, and we had the Cincinnati chili that I cooked yesterday - it turned out well - different enough so you knew it wasn't regular chili, plus I had all the fixins for the different ways it's served, plus the oyster crackers.

We rode our bikes to the park for a little catch after the Packers took care of business. Then Dave and the kids stopped by for a quick visit on their way home from Shopko.


Blogger Eileen said...

Coaches like that are guardian angels in disguise.

8:12 PM, October 19, 2009  

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