Father Jim
I just heard that Father Jim passed away.
overlooking Wild Goose Island on Saint Mary Lake
Father Jim was the pastor at St. Mary's in Rhinelander when I was a teenager. I was not a very social boy. However, the activities that the new St. Mary's youth group would be involved in - trips to the Rocky Boy Indian Reservation in Montana, Glacier National Park and Fr. Jim's cabin on the Flambeau River - motivated me to join.
Fr. Jim saying Mass
at Kintla Lake campground,
Glacier National Park
Father Jim was consistent - a trait I appreciated. He was caring and inclusive. I could relate to his homilies. I remember being fascinated that a priest would talk about his understanding of The Moody Blues' music. In Philipsburg, Montana, he said Mass for us in a ghost town in the mountains. We carried the Blessed Sacrament up the trail. And using a huge boulder as an altar, we overlooked the valley, breaking bread as the sun sank low in the August haze.
I know he is at peace...
admiring the view with his crew.