Kovac Planetarium

This photo of Kovac Planetarium is courtesy of TripAdvisor
I used to deliver to the Rhinelander Paper Mill, and many days Frank Kovac would sign for the packages. Mr. Kovac has built "the world's largest mechanical planetarium." (Wikipedia) It's located east of Rhinelander - in Monico, Wisconsin.
While checking the local media sources for news on the school referendum vote up north, I happened to find a new article on the planetarium.
And here's an older report from CBS Evening News.
I was fascinated with the night sky when I was younger. I still take a moment, once in awhile, to wonder at its beauty. I think the greatest part of this story is that Mr. Kovac followed through on his passion to have a place to see the night sky when natural conditions wouldn't permit it.
So maybe your kids, or their scout troop, (or you big kids) might like to check out Frank's Folly.