Saturday, July 29, 2006


The VonOepens came over last night, so today we rested.

This evening, I took the kids to swing the golf clubs at Nicolet. They catch on quick.

Dish Network gives us a few free channels every week. This week includes Starz Kids & Family. We TiVo a few movies, and watch them at our leisure. Tonight we grilled some burgers and watched Pirates of The Plain.

I just read Why Not Morph? in my April Discover Magazine, wicked awesome.

Check this out.

Thursday, July 27, 2006


Long, hot, busy days at work.

Yesterday, Todd bought beer after work. We had a few, and Kris suggested I read "Atlas Shrugged" by Ayn Rand (he warned me of its length.) I had heard her referenced often, but never read her. Shelly picked it up at the library for me today.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


Shelly & I went to see Lady in The Water last night. It was enjoyable and different. A few scares, a few thought-provocations, a bit of humor.

We are resting around the house today. I've been learning more html, and using it to personalize my blog. The kids made Kool-Aid.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Long Day with A Little Rain

Got up early to bring Phil the power-washer, and cut firewood with Dad.

We got two truckloads of popple and birch, split 'em all, and I brought a load home. Shelly and the kids helped me unload, as a couple hundredths of an inch of rain fell on us.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

1999 Jayco Eagle 12SO

We traded our 2003 Honda Foreman 450 ATV, very good condition, 350 miles, 51 hours.

to the Landphiers for their:

very good condition pop-up camper with pull-out dinette, stove, electricity, hot/cold water, refrigerator, heater, sleeps-8.

We're very happy and look forward to making some good memories in our new camper.

Word Verification

I've been getting comment spam already. Sorry for the extra step to comment.

Word verification:

What this does is to prevent automated systems from adding comments to your blog, since it takes a human being to read the word and pass this step. If you've ever received a comment that looked like an advertisement or a random link to an unrelated site, then you've encountered comment spam. A lot of this is done automatically by software which can't pass the word verification, so enabling this option is a good way to prevent many such unwanted comments.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Most Popular YouTube Video to Date

Evolution of Dance


Traded our ATV for a pop-up camper. I'll post pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006


A Different Lenz

Monday, July 17, 2006


90-some degrees yesterday, and I was up late all weekend. I couldn't sleep.

I read about bigfoot in Phillips...

Sasquatch Sensation

A Town Big Enough for Elvis & Bigfoot

A Ghost Town with Bigfoot

BFRO Report #5507 (Class A)

And then I wondered about UFO's in Wisconsin and elsewhere...

Anvil Lake, Vilas County, WI

Paintsville, KY

... and various other websites until 1 AM
... and so my subconscious mulled.

I don't have a memory of a strange encounter. Maybe I have seen something I couldn't explain, but I must not have had a strong enough emotional reaction to form a lasting memory.

However, I do read well. The ideas and feelings of the author project very clearly into my mind. I dig out all the meaning in the words laid before me. I could see and feel the various viewpoints of the characters in these articles.

Today, the assembled images led me to this idea...

If no physical evidence exists for bigfoot,
and bigfoots are often seen in remote areas,
if UFO's are often reported to be hidden by an invisibility cloaking method,
if Greys have dark eyes, no ears, an odd posture and gait as did Don Young's bigfoot...


Bigfoots are Greys who have parked their invisibly cloaked vehicles in a remote location, assumed a hair/fur coat, possibly through a genetic modification, in order to conduct their field research in a somewhat more comfortable and less obtrusive manner.

Since their technological advancement is most likely not limited only to mechanical engineering, they may take on a biological form more suited to their alleged task at hand: the observation and procurement of physical samples from our environment.

Things that make you go, "hmmm?"

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Stevens Point

We spent the weekend in Stevens Point.

SpeeDee company Picnic. It was a lot of fun. Volleyball, water balloon games, door prizes, food & beer. Mid-90's, though.

We camped at Jordan Park with the VonOepens. Saturday night, the Webbers stayed, too. A very nice county campground.

The Landphiers stopped in after the picnic, and Todd, Phil, Jeff, his son Jesse, and I found a geocache below the dam. The kids swam and rode their bikes. Todd and I played cribbage against Phil & DJ. We started at the lake around 7:30. We kept playing at the campsite. About 1:30, Phil & DJ finally won a game.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I was driving along E. Buckatabon Lake Rd. in Conover on Monday, and found some huge blueberries on the side of the road.

I just downloaded the pictures from my phone, and learned how to post them tonight.

Sand Lake

Upper 80's today, so after work we collected the kids from their Special Day at Grandma's & Grandpa's house and headed out to Sand Lake in Harshaw. We swam for about an hour. Just when we were leaving, DJ's brothers showed up.

On the way home, we stopped and picked up Kemps Black Raspberry Dream ice cream.

When you live in the Northwoods, you can put together a mini-vacation pretty quick.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Oil Change

I finally (although it means I procrastinated, it feels good to type those words) recycled 8 gallons of used motor oil. I took it to Wal-Mart, just before the automotive dept. closed for the evening. I saw a few country- festers shopping. I picked up a few things for camping in Plover this weekend.

A simple post. But now I will know when I changed the oil on the truck.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Time & Precision

Time & precision. These ideas and an afternoon Mountain Dew, and a good evening at home have allowed me the moment to begin.

Time only exists as a measurement relative to other events in reality. The precision of the measurement of most of the facets of our reality continue to increase. This manifests itself in our existence as acceleration.

The speed of life increases in direct proportion to the precision of life.

That's as good a place as any to start...