I took a few days off work.
Wednesday I took the truck to Accurate Suspension in Appleton for a leaf spring assembly install. An appointment I made completely by email. I found their's was the place I wanted my work done and contacted them with my info. We exchanged a few emails, then I showed up and they installed the part they ordered for me. It was a new process for me, and I liked it.
That night, the kids and I played some catch, ate some pasta, and watched a movie.
Yesterday I drove to Madison.
But I must digress.
Last fall I found Colin Hay's music again. He was the lead singer for the band Men At Work in the eighties. They were my first favorite band. They made three studio albums together and disbanded. I had Colin Hay's first solo album, Looking for Jack. But then I lost track of him, until Youtube showed me what he had been up to.
His music felt like I felt. I suppose that's why I came to I appreciate it when I was younger. And as I'm prone to do, I searched and learned and googled until I had my fill of info - including that he was not on tour. Well a couple of weeks ago, a similar search returned different results. He would be in Milwaukee, Madison, and Minneapolis on consecutive nights. Where should I go?
I had been talking with a roomate from college on Facebook recently, Dan Rung, who lives in Madison. He said sure. And Madison still has that special new, vibrant, alive feeling. We went to visit another friend, Pram Adriansjach, at his restaurant,
Bandung, before the show.
The warm spring evening in the shadow of the capitol, walking past crowds of electric people, seeing old friends, the
theater's character, the storyteller with his beautiful guitar - and his voice, so full of knowing, and the voice of his guitar, so expressive,... it was a moment.