Snowed a bit

Last night I got a short-notice invite from Tamra at the Holiday Inn Express to attend a Chamber of Commerce meeting tonight. I thought I would be explaining geocaching to a group of small-business-persons. It turns out it was a social-hour/dinner kind of thing. Tamra & Trisha from the Chamber thanked me for my help (other geocachers were invited, but couldn't make it) in front of the group. And I happened to win the half & half raffle. I got to talk to Mitch Mode and tell him I liked his columns. Pete was there. And I met a guy originally from Langlade County that Dave & I will take geocaching sometime.
The kids and I placed the last two geocaches for The Great Northwoods Treasure Hunt yester-eve and this evening. Its unfamiliar to me to be in the woods at dusk in the late winter. I suppose I'm usually hibernating now.
Another busy weekend in the Northland.
Working hard on the geocaching project.
They say this may be the coldest weather in ten years. It's supposed to stay below zero until Tuesday. I think it got up to 4 yesterday. It's minus 13 right now.