Currently chillin'

Doug's birthday was this past weekend, so he came Up North. Dave & Nicky and their kids and Mary came up, Phil & Kelly and their kids came over, and DJ & Eric were here too. And Al stopped by for a beer after work on his way home. (He also, has perfected the usage of "one more, then I gotta go.")
Loki: god of mischief
Rebecca D. Stanfield
I saw a phtotbucket slideshow on a geocacher's blog, so I thought I'd try it. This one has sound.
After finishing blogging, I went to read the Brewer's story in the MJSentinel, when I saw the news ticker saying the Nat'l Guard may be called in to help with flooding,... near Platteville. So I surfed the news outlets in the area and found the 12+ inches of rain was a bit north of PV. But I also learned of the imminent demise of a PV landmark.
This article about John Heisman is a better story. I think you should be able to click and read it. Otherwise, it's free to sign up and read.
Starting my story at the end, I happened to see the asterisk on yesterday's high temperature last night.
(click me)(then minimize sound player software)
As Jamie's scrimmage was winding down, Michaela and I went to find the grave of John Heisman. I knew he was buried in Rhinelander, and I knew which cemetery. But those are all the clues I could dig up.
We didn't find him.
I remembered seeing a map to his grave years ago, so we went looking for that. Historical Museum closed, Chamber of Commerce: nope, Logging Museum: uh-uh.
While eating leftovers at home, I tried different variations on my earlier google searches: BINGO!
I found this website. It has a couple of pictures of the grave, which include surrounding details. With this information, we were able to locate the grave.
I happened to find this video on the Wisconsin Geocachers forums. Diet Coke and Mentos candy combine to form an extreme reaction.
Mom emailed the other night to ask if I would help her start a blog.
Long day at work,